
BACKGROUND Markers are an essential component of many courses. We would like to have a web-based tool for simplifying the marker application and selection process. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Course supervisors should be able to specify course relevant information, e.g., expected workload during the semester. Markers should be able to apply and submit relevant information, e.g., courses they would like to mark (in order of preference), grades, previous experience, current enrolment status, maximum workload, academic transcript and CV. Course supervisors should be able to select their preferred markers (order of preference). The tool should automatically assign markers to courses such that coverage of courses is maximized subject to certain requirements (e.g., grades). The marker coordinator should have access to all components of the tool and be able to overwrite any information and automatic assignment









A Web-based Tool for Managing Tutors and Markers

Application process:

  1. We have a separate application process for each semester – tool needs to define semester, i.e. year and SS (summer school), S1, S2
  2. Marker/Tutor coordinator will input courses with the information:
    1. Estimated number of students
    2. Currently enrolled students
    3. Available tutor and marker hours
    4. Course coordinator (name, email)
    5. Course director (name, email)
    6. Needs tutors (y/n)
    7. Needs marker (y/n)
    8. Can pre-assign markers/tutors – if course covered, it won’t be visible to students anymore as a course they can apply for
  3. Course coordinators can add details for their course(s)
    1. Currently enrolled students
    2. Number of assignments
    3. Number of labs/tutorials per week
    4. Convert marker to tutor hours
    5. Convert tutor to marker hours
    6. List Tutor/Marker’s responsibility for the course
  4. Students submit an application (personal details, preferred course they want to tutor and/or mark). Personal details include:
    1. Academic record (pdf-file)
    2. CV (pdf-file)
    3. Name
    4. UPI
    5. AUID
    6. Preferred email
    7. Currently overseas (y/n) – if yes, will come arrive back in NZ?
    8. Citizen or permanent resident (y/n) – if not, does applicant have a valid work visa?
    9. Enrolment details for the semester (degree / year - e.g. 2nd year BSc, 1st year PhD, etc.)
    10. Undergraduate or postgraduate student (add note that “postgraduate” means that student has already completed a degree)
    11. Any other TA/GTA contracts for that semester (yes/no – if yes, text field for description of contracts)
    12. Maximum number of hours/week they want to work (integer – minimum 5)